Flexible work without exploitation

Reversing tech companies’ state-by-state agenda to unravel workers’ rights and misclassify workers as ‘contractors’ in the gig economy and beyond “Digital platform companies like Uber, Lyft, Instacart, and DoorDash are …


“On the frontline of the multi-million-dollar berry industry, Mexican agricultural workers endure squalid living conditions and consistent work insecurity as they undertake back-breaking work to line the pockets of multinational …

CHINA’S REGULATIONS ON ALGORITHMS: Context, impact, and comparisons with the EU

“On 1 March 2022, China’s Regulations on the Administration of Internet Information Service Recommendation Algorithms (hereafter, ‘Regulations’) entered into effect (Creemers et al., 2022). The new Chinese provisions, consisting of …

Negotiations by workers in the informal economy

Negotiations are a valuable and important tool for increasing the voice of workers in the informal economy. This paper provides empirical evidence from Africa, Asia and the Americas on negotiations …

Subcontracting: Exploitation by design. Tackling the business model for social dumping

A new study commissioned by The Left in the European Parliament sets out how subcontracting has become the business model for exploiting workers in the EU. Numerous scandals – from systemic exploitation …

Global perspectives on women, work, and digital labour platforms

“Over the last ten years, the rise of digital platform work has quickly become one of the most significant developments in the world of work. In many cities, it is …

ILO: Global Wage Report 2022-23: The impact of inflation and COVID-19 on wages and purchasing power

“This year’s ILO Global Wage Report, the eighth in the series, presents an in-depth empirical analysis of how concurrent crises – the COVID-19 pandemic followed by the cost-of-living crisis – …

Decent work in the platform economy

The growth in the platform economy and platform work represents an opportunity for job creation and more flexible organization of production processes, but also a challenge in terms of fair …

A chain is as strong as its weakest link: Strategies for international supply chain legislation to include homeworkers

This publication – A chain is as strong as its weakest link: Strategies for international supply chain legislation to include homeworkers – describes the steps taken to engage in a regional strategy for …

Working conditions and sustainable work – Is telework really ‘greener’? An overview and assessment of its climate impacts

“The number of employees teleworking from home has expanded abruptly and in an unforeseen way in response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) across European Member States, albeit to a different …