Picked Apart: the Hidden Struggles of Migrant Worker Women in the Maryland Crab Industry

A 2010 report documenting the difficulties faced by migrant worker women in the US who travel from Mexico with a H-2B visa in order to work for crab shelling companies …

Centers for migrants in Senegal and Mauritania

The report shows a good practice for protection migrant workers in Mauritania and Senegal. ITUC helps Mauritania to build a migrant workers center in Nouakchott to provide assistance to Senegalese …

In search of decent work—migrant worker’s rights: A manual for trade unions

This 133 page manual is about strengthening the trade union movement’s capacity to participate in the shaping of migration policies, promoting sound labor migration practices, reaching out to migrant workers; …

Nigeria Labour Congress Policy Document  

The Nigeria Labour Conference is the umbrella organization for all the trade unions in Nigeria. This document contains the organization’s policy on various issues that concern workers. They include collective …

Migrant workers’ rights—A handbook for Indonesian Trade Unions

The Handbook is aimed at assisting trade unions to better understand the labour migration debate, and the international instruments that provide minimum benchmarks that governments can refer to when formulating …

National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labour in Brazil

This document in English describes the National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor in Brazil. It is a multi-stakeholder initiative involving Ethos Institute, The Social Observatory Institute, the International …