La afiliación sindical de la población inmigrante. El caso de CCOO de Cataluña

“La movilización de la población trabajadora inmigrante y su vinculación con las organizaciones sindicales de los países de destino continúa siendo un tema central para las ciencias sociales del trabajo. …

Taken for a Ride Migrant Workers in the U.S. Fair and Carnival Industry

Based on interviews with H-2B workers in Maryland, Virginia, and Mexico, this 2013 report discusses the abuses that fair and carnival workers face: deceptive recruitment practices and high pre-employment fees and costs; …

The American Dream Up for Sale: A Blueprint for Ending International Labor Recruitment Abuse

A Blueprint for Ending International Labor Recruitment Abuse, the 2013 report details eight core principles that should be used to draft work visa programs that prevent recruitment fraud: Freedom from …

Trade unions and migrant workers in Western Europe

The paper examines the gap between the unionization rate of local and migrant workers in 14 Western European countries and examines the role of labor market segregation and organizational security …

The Evolution of Labour Law In India: An Overview and Commentary on Regulatory Objectives and Development

This paper provides an overview of the labour and employment laws in India. The primary focus is on the important legislations passed by the Governments to ensure the protection and …

Monitoring International Labor Recruitment: A Cross-Visa Exploration of Regulatory Challenges

A 2012 comparative analysis of non-immigrant visas used to employ foreign workers in the United States. The report identifies and briefly describes visas of special interest in the recruitment of …

Effective Supply Chain Accountability: Investor Guidance on Implementation of The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and Beyond

This document provides guidance for—and strongly encourages—companies to go beyond minimum compliance with The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (SB 657) by implementing a comprehensive human rights framework. While …

Towards a strategy for the inclusion of migrant workers in trade unions

This report is related to the Irish migrant workers. Also, the report addresses the commitment to develop a strategic approach to the inclusion of black and minority ethnic members.

Labour Rights in Qatar: An ITUC briefing for trade union delegates to the UN Climate Changes talks in Durban

The brief shows the regulation of trade union rights in Qatar and discusses whether migrant worker’s trade union right is violated.