Labor Exploitation, Trafficking and Migrant Health: Multi-country Findings on the Health Risks and Consequences of Migrant and Trafficked Workers

There are an estimated 232 million international migrants and 740 million internal migrants worldwide, most of whom are in search of work. Global assessments also suggest that a substantial proportion …

Policy on Labor Migration for Cambodia

This Policy builds on the previous Policy on Labor Migration for Cambodia 2010-2015, expanding on the three main objectives of (1) formulation and implementation of rights-based and gender- sensitive policy …

Turning a Blind Eye?: Respecting Human Rights in Government Purchasing

This report examines the role of U.S. government supply chains—and their emphasis of low-bid, high-scale competition—in the commission of human rights abuses. With this report, the authors examine the agency …

Good practices on the role of trade unions in protecting and promoting the rights of migrant workers in Asia

This report documents selected good practices of trade union actions taken place in Cambodia, Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, China, …

Recruiting Immigrant Workers: New Zealand 2014

This is a published work by OECD providing a comprehensive review of the labor migration policy in New Zealand. It examines the country’s labor migration system and its characteristics, including …

HOW MANY MORE YEARS A SLAVE? Trafficking for forced labour in Hong Kong

In light of recent cases on abuse of migrant domestic helpers in Hong Kong, this article identifies the gaps between international law and Hong Kong legislation on trafficking for forced …

Culture Shock: The Exploitation of J-1 Cultural Exchange Workers

This report describes how the J1 visa program in the U.S., which was originally intended as a visa for cultural exchange, is increasingly being used by employers as a source …

National Labor Movements and Transnational Connections: Global Labor’s Evolving Architecture Under Neoliberalism

Evans analyzes international ties between Bridgestone-Firestone workers in Liberia, apparel workers in Honduras, Mexican mineworkers, and U.S. labor organizations. Evans suggests that international cooperation depends on national labor movements and …

South Africa: THE TRANSFORMATION OF WORK: Challenges and Strategies — Restriction and Solidarity in the New South Africa: COSATU’s Complex Response to Migration and Migrant Workers in the Post-Apartheid Era

The report first provides a historical overview of migrant labor and migration policy, introduces South Africa’s labor market institutions and industrial relations and the weakness of the corporatist institution. Then …

The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business (Dec. 2013)

In keeping with the goals set forth for the Access to Judicial Remedy (A2JR) program, the authors undertook this report to “understand which barriers are most insurmountable for victims and …