An analysis of EU labour and environmental law Building on the ongoing discussion on the labour–environment nexus in labour law and other areas of scholarship, in this paper we systematically …
An analysis of EU labour and environmental law Building on the ongoing discussion on the labour–environment nexus in labour law and other areas of scholarship, in this paper we systematically …
Regulatory Radiography: Where, what and how is artificial intelligence being regulated in Latin America (Report in Spanish) The report is a response to the uncertainties that are arising from the …
In “Worker Power and Voice in the AI Response,” we outline a series of action-oriented recommendations to respond to the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace, such as banning the use …
La OIT publicó su Informe “Perspectivas sociales y del empleo en el mundo: Tendencias 2024”. La noticia de la publicación de este nuevo informe se puede encontrar aquí. Se puede …
“Besides straining international, regional and national employment status classification models, digital labour platforms are pioneering new strategies and approaches in terms of algorithmic management, digital surveillance, remote work and cross-border …
Please see below the full concluding observations from the the UN CERD on South Africa. In particularly look at paragraphs 20, 21, 22, 42 and 53, which focus on racial …
Few workplaces are as gritty and brutal as distant-water fishing ships from China, and there are a lot of them: With as many as 6,500 ships, China today operates the world’s …
This report is the first focussed consideration of the impact of strategic litigation on corporate behaviour. To work out what are these impacts (such as direct/indirect, immediate/incremental, and positive/negative), and …
The European Union is in the process of developing new legislation to address the challenge of forced labour along global value chains by banning products made with forced labour from …
“Lessons learned from the Glovo-Foodinho digital labour platform case With the Platform Work Directive still under negotiation and the ETUC calling for an EU Directive on Algorithmic Systems at Work, groundbreaking research …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
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