Time to care: Unpaid and underpaid care work and the global inequality crisis

A TALE OF TWO EXTREMES Economic inequality is out of control. In 2019, the world’s billionaires, only 2,153 people, had more wealth than 4.6 billion people. The richest 22 men …

EU: Using criminal law to restrict the work of NGOs supporting refugees and other migrants in Council of Europe Member States

The Expert Council on NGO Law is publishing a study entitled “Using Criminal Law to Restrict the Work of NGOs Supporting Refugees and Other Migrants in Council of Europe Member …

Evaluation de la mise en œuvre de la loi n° 2017-399 du 27 mars 2017 relative au devoir de vigilance des sociétés mères et des entreprises donneuses d’ordre

SYNTHESE Le drame du Rana Plaza au Bangladesh le 24 avril 2013 a déclenché une réaction mondiale. Même si la prise en compte des enjeux sociaux, environnementaux et sociétaux par …

Refugees and decent work: Lessons learned from recent refugee jobs compacts

The paper “addresses refugee livelihoods – in particular, waged work for refugees – from a labour standards perspective. This is in contrast to the usual approach to refugee livelihoods, in …

FASHION’S NEXT TREND Accelerating Supply Chain Transparency in the Apparel and Footwear Industry

Transparency about supply chains in the garment and footwear industry is a rapidly growing trend. The complex network of global suppliers that apparel and footwear companies use to produce their …

Cooperation agreement between Unia and employers’ federations, 18 Dec. 2019, unia.be

Unia, an independent public institution that fights discrimination and promotes equal opportunities in Belgium, has concluded a cooperation agreement with the employers’ federations to invest in the diversification of the …

EU’s Regulation on Investor Disclosure on sustainability risks and due diligence

New rules, which came into force in December 2019, require European investors such as banks, pension funds and insurers, to disclose their impacts on people and planet and to publish …

Seabound: The Journey to Modern Slavery on the High Seas

For several years now, international media has shone a spotlight on the inhumane working conditions of migrant fishers from Southeast Asia. The vessels they work on reportedly use destructive, illegal, …


Collective bargaining systems are key and complex labour market institutions In all OECD countries, workers and employers associate to express their interests and concerns, as well as to bargain over …

Labour Law deregulation in India: A threat to the application of international labour standards and workers’ rights

The drive for a more flexible labour market in India can be traced to the 1990s. The objective has been to liberalise the economy, ease restrictions on business, and boost …