In December 2022, New Zealand will initiate an innovative sectoral bargaining policy, called the Fair Pay Agreements Bill, that may serve as a model for pro-labor advocates in the United …
In December 2022, New Zealand will initiate an innovative sectoral bargaining policy, called the Fair Pay Agreements Bill, that may serve as a model for pro-labor advocates in the United …
“Supporting transnational worker organizing should be at the center of the fight for “ethical AI.” The public’s understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) is largely shaped by pop culture — by blockbuster …
“The Eighth Session of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (OEIGWG), scheduled for 25-29 October, is already off to a rough start. …
“The short story behind the now-averted railroad strike is this: The largest freight railroad carriers in the country were willing to cripple the transportation infrastructure of the United States rather …
“Tell them your story. If you are asked about your weaknesses, put them in a positive light. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!” During a webinar organised for Ukrainian refugees by Mamo …
“The street vendors act is an essential piece of legislation for Indian street vendors that has significantly contributed to improving their status in the country and protecting their rights. There …
“Many consumers are appalled to learn that the products they buy are produced by exploited workers, and have demanded action from companies and governments; the result has been a growing …
Global Britain’ is the ambitious term used by the UK Government for describing Britain’s place in the world after Brexit. Attempts at definition have focused on its critical role as a defender of …
“Last March, the European Parliament approved a legislative initiative on due diligence. According to the Parliament, this initiative “paves the way” for legislation requiring “companies to address human rights and …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036
Commentary: Oral Argument in Doe v. Apple
Last week, the D.C. Circuit heard oral argument in Doe v. Apple, a case brought by victims of forced labor and human trafficking against five U.S. technology companies. The plaintiffs are children or …