Law and Politics in Employee Classification

As has been widely reported, the U.S. Department of Labor issued an “opinion letter” yesterday concluding that an unnamed “virtual marketplace company” does not employ the workers who make the company …

Zambian farmers can take Vedanta to court over water pollution. What are the legal implications?

Gabrielle Holly at Omnia Strategy LLP analyses the UK Supreme Court’s landmark decision. This morning, the Supreme Court delivered its much anticipated judgment in Vedanta Resources PLC and anor v Lungowe …

Protecting the right to strike in the ILO and the European Court of Human Rights: the significance of Appn No 44873/09 Ognevenko v Russia – Tonia Novitz

Freedom of association is a foundational principle of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Not only is this principle recognised in the ILO Constitution, first established as Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles, a …

SCOTUS Decision in Jam et al v. International Finance Corporation (IFC) Denies Absolute Immunity to IFC…With Caveats

When it rains, it somehow pours. February 2019 ended up being such a landmark month for international law adjudication.  A day after the International Court of Justice released its landmark Chagos …

Foster parents and fundamental labour rights

The work of parenting is a labour of love. There is no work that is harder and there is no work that is more rewarding. How many parents have reflected …

Regulated working time is a must for all workers, especially those in the informal economy

“Recently, on May Day, we remembered the fallen heroes of the 1886 Chicago strike where workers demanded an eight-hour working day. We also celebrated the subsequent hard-won victories of employed …

Transfer: The digital economy and its implications for labour. 1. The platform economy

Transfer stimulates dialogue between the European trade union movement and the academic and research community. It contributes research findings on issues of strategic relevance for trade unions, in particular with regard …

Isreal: Narratives and social change in the rulings of the Supreme Court regarding the visa regime that applies to migrant workers in Israel: From the “Binding Arrangement” Verdict to the “Pregnant Migrant Worker” Case

The author analyzes current trends in national Immigration Law development and the role of the Court in encouraging amendments to legislation aiming to decrease infringement upon human rights of migrant …

Israel: Employment of Foreign Workers in the Israeli Construction Sector — Transitioning from the “Binding Arrangement” to the Manpower Corporations Arrangement

This article presents the move from the “Binding Arrangement” practice to a new reformed “Manpower Corporations Arrangement” governing migrant construction workers-employers relationships. The article tries to convince the reader that …

Thailand: สรุปคําวินิจฉัยศาลรัฐธรรมนูญที่ ๓๔/๒๕๕๔ วันที่ ๒๓ พฤศจิกายน พุทธศักราช ๒๕๕๔ (Supreme Court Judgement Brief No. 34/ 2554 dated 23 November 2554)

The National Human Rights Commission had a question on the discrimination issue under the constitution section 27, 29, 30, 44, 64, 81(2) and 84 (7) of the Supreme Court judgment …