“The political economy of work in the United States is on the skids. In April 2020, unemployment skyrocketed,reaching a level not seen since the worst days of the Depression in the 1930s. …
“The fight over so-called “gig” work has come to a head in California. Lyft has even threatened to suspend all operations in the state. Why would the company even think …
A story in yesterday’s Toronto Star caught my attention. It explained how Uber Canada has introduced a new revised version of its mandatory arbitration clause. As discussed at length on this …
This post first provides an overview of Section 307 and then discusses the Top Glove case in more detail. It looks at the WRO as an example of how Section …
“American companies have been very successful at preventing their workers from organizing into unions in recent decades, one of the reasons unionization in the private sector is at a record …
The Right to Privacy, Surveillance-by-Software and the “Home-Workplace”
“One of the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic upon the world of work is likely to be a move away from the traditional workplace. In some sectors, such as …