Labor Law Must Include All Workers

“In January of this year, we published a comprehensive set of recommendations for reforming U.S. labor law. Although the recommendations were extensive, the theory that lay behind them was straightforward: …

Unions in the Fair Work Act Decade – and the Aftermath of ‘Change the Rules’

“The decade in which the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has been in operation has continued to present challenges for the Australian union movement. Despite high hopes that the 2009 legislation’s support …

The 2020 Draft UN Business and Human Rights Treaty–Steady Progress Towards Historic Failure

“It is not only appropriate, but essential, then, to seek to establish within the framework of the UN human rights system a universal normative platform to facilitate the evaluation and …

Will there be a sunrise for workers’ unions in India’s renewable sector?

“In the 2020 United States Presidential election campaign, Democratic candidate Joe Biden has announced a two trillion U.S. dollar clean energy plan which focuses on stable jobs in the renewable sector and …

Why Uber and Lyft are taking a page out of big tobacco’s playbook in labor law battle

“Uber and Lyft are waging a scorched-earth regulatory battle to avoid providing basic benefits to their drivers, now considered essential workers, in their largest US market: California. In response to …

Once working people mobilise, as they have done in Belarus, change is inevitable

“Workers in Belarus are demanding democracy. If President Aleksandr Lukashenko, often (rather optimistically) referred to by the media as ‘Europe’s last dictator’, ever had the real support of the people …

Trump’s National Labor Relations Board Is Sabotaging Its Own Mission

“On a June afternoon in 2019, in front of a statue of George Washington at Federal Hall in New York City’s financial district, more than 100 construction workers and activists …

Global Supply Chains–Where Art Thou in the BHR Treaty?

Global supply chains affect every aspect of our lives. It is hard to overstate the impact of supply chains on the economy and people’s lives…. But there is not a …

The 2nd Revised Draft of a Treaty on Business and Human Rights–Moving (Slowly) in the Right Direction

A second revised Draft of an international treaty on business and human rights has been released by the Chairperson of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises with …

The View from the Ground: How the Sudden Lockdown in Delhi Continues to Affect Informal Workers

“On March 24, 2020, India was put into complete lockdown with just 4 hours’ notice. The draconian lockdown, both in its design and implementation, showed no regard for the urban poor who …