“When the pandemic hit, many people hunkered down at home, hoping to stay put and ride out the storm until it passed. For others, as the scourge of the coronavirus …

The first CJEU decision on domestic workers: the role of EU equality law in challenging unjustified exclusions from labour rights and social protections

“On 24 February 2022, the CJEU issued its first judgment on domestic workers. In case C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), the CJEU held that the exclusion of this category …

Chile: Nueva Ley Laboral “asegura” derechos muy difíciles de exigir

“La normativa crea dos categorías de trabajadores: dependientes e independientes. Los primeros están más protegidos. Pero, para integrar el grupo ‘dependiente’, el empleador tiene que estar de acuerdo; y, si …

Law & Informality Insights No 5

Applying insights from critical legal studies, this issue of Law and Informality Insights explores how informal workers use the law to resolve their disputes with local authorities. Through the author’s …

Posición y propuestas del movimiento sindical en Colombia sobre Piso de Protección Social

Luego de que la Corte Constitucional colombiana declarara inexequible el Piso de Protección Social que había implementado el Gobierno Nacional y diera un plazo para que se legisle adecuadamente sobre …

A death a day: Nepali workers in Saudi

“Every evening for several weeks, 27-year-old Dipak Sinjali called his pregnant wife, Kalpana,  from a small room in Saudi Arabia, and asked about her health. The two spoke joyously to …

Digital Transition: An Opportunity to Advance Labour Rights

“With the digital transition, the precise definition of the future of work (its social and human dimensions) requires urgent attention. Recent policymaking developments tell us a little more about whether …

The Surprising Agreement Between Uber and UFCW in Canada in Legal Context

“Last week, Uber Canada and UFCW-Canada made a surprise announcement that they had reached “a historic national agreement” for representation rights affecting some 100,000 Uber workers in Canada. The “Agreement” has not …

Turkey’s flagship online food ordering company is failing to deliver on workers’ rights

“In April 2021 while delivering groceries in a dense suburb of Istanbul, Ahmet passed through a small puddle while making a turn. He slipped and fell from his motorbike, sustaining …

Supreme Court Blocks OSHA Standard, Leaves Workers Without COVID-19 Protection

“The justices fail to understand that workers — almost every worker — is at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 in the workplace than the average American. The Supreme Court, in …