In what has been called the “biggest moment for workers’ rights in a quarter of a century”, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a safe and healthy work environment as one of its …
In what has been called the “biggest moment for workers’ rights in a quarter of a century”, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a safe and healthy work environment as one of its …
“En un reciente informe sobre Diálogo Social1, la Organización Internacional del trabajo (OIT) resalta el rol protagónico que cumple la negociación colectiva en el actual contexto de crisis económica y …
The current law prohibits agencies from supplying workers to perform ‘duties normally performed by a worker who is taking part in a strike. In responding to the rail dispute, the …
” The social dimension of the European Green Deal remains underdeveloped. The social and employment-related challenges of the green transition span many dimensions, such as job losses and employment transitions, …
“Most experts are clear – telework and the various hybrid forms that combine face-to-face and remote working are here to stay. During the pandemic, working from home became a necessity, …
“For Tara Peel, a political advisor at the Canadian Labour Congress, just transition is the solution to ensuring that emissions are reduced dramatically in the fight to curb global warming …
Ukrainian parliament set to vote on new labour law that threatens workers with a ‘rollback to the 19th century’ “With one letter [our employer] sent us away, and our dialogue …
Despite past commitments, Japan is the only G-7 member that has not imposed sanctions on Beijing for its state policy of forced labor. In October 2021, the G-7 nations, including Japan, issued …
“In the Bendungan Hilir neighborhood, just a stone’s throw from Jakarta’s glitzy central business district, a long row of makeshift wooden stalls crammed onto the sidewalk serves noodle soup, fried …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036
In Hungary, the right to strike has been curtailed by Viktor Orbán
“Éva Vatai, a French teacher at a high school in Pécs, in southern Hungary, cannot believe it. She was recently docked five per cent of her pay – Ft16,700 (€44) …