The Chinese government has facilitated the mass transfer of Uyghur and other ethnic minority citizens from the far west region of Xinjiang to factories across the country. Under conditions that …
Relatório da Comissão Internacional Independente de Inquérito sobre o Impacto do Rompimento da Barragem de Brumadinho (Brasil) de 25 de janeiro de 2019 Brumadinho-Report_PT_web
Report of the International Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Impact of the January 25, 2019 Brumadinho Dam Collapse Brumadinho-Report_EN_web
El pasado mes de enero, la OIT ha publicado el informe: “Trabajo a domicilio. De la invisibilidad al trabajo decente”; que tiene por objeto conocer mejor el trabajo a domicilio, …
The NCP’s statement respond to a complaint filed by UNI Global union in 2016. UNI Global Union’s complaint alleged that the company harassed workers to suppress organizing with the Banglalink …