The Price of Work: A Brief on Widespread Migrant Worker Recruitment Fees in Taiwan’s Manufacturing Sectors

This investigation, focused on the recruitment experiences of workers who worked in a range of manufacturing sectors, follows a lengthier investigation covered in Transparentem’s recent report, Following the Thread: Labor Abuses …


No region is immune to the reality of the climate crisis: extreme weather events, mass climate-induced migration, and direct consequences for the cultures, livelihoods, and lives of workers and communities …

A Big Step Forward: But Bigger Steps Required – A Note on the Employment Rights Bill

The Employment Rights Bill is a big step forward in improving workers’ rights, addressing a number of abusive employer practices, and removing unwarranted restrictions on trade unions. The Bill’s success …

Towards New Human Rights and Environment Due Diligence Laws: Reflections on Changes in Corporate Practice

HREDD laws – i.e. laws that require companies to carry out a HREDD process – are already in place or in development across a growing number of countries, particularly in …

ILO Report: Violence and harassment in the world of work-Trade union initiatives, strategies and negotiations since the adoption of the Convention on Violence and Harassment (No. 190) and its Recommendation (No. 206), 2019

This report is a collection of trade union initiatives and strategies preventing, addressing, and eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work. It focuses on measures introduced since the …

Access to information on climate change and human rights – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change

Of note, the report finds: 34. States should provide information to workers and trade unions on the types of climate-driven occupational safety and health hazards occurring by sector, as well …

Heat at work: Implications for safety and health

Heat stress can immediately impact workers on the job, leading to illnesses such as heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and even death. In the longer term, workers can develop serious and debilitating …

BARGAINING OVER WORKERS’ DATA RIGHTS: How Unions and Works Councils Can Use Collective Bargaining to Specify Workplace Data Protection Norms

“Workplace compliance with existing data protection law appears poor. A variety of reasons explain poor compliance, including a lack of legal clarity. Therefore, in order to boost workplace data protection …

Improving Workplace Data Protection Compliance

Achieving Workplace GDPR Compliance, Clarifying National Workplace Data Protection Rules, and Enhancing Worker Data Protection through Social Dialogue This paper explores what social partners, governments and civil society organisations can …

Care platforms: Impacts and challenges from a trade union perspective

“Increasing demand for long-term care (LTC) is a critical issue for the European Union (EU). According to the European Care Strategy, currently around 6 million people work in LTC in …