Supreme Court poised to drastically reverse LGBTQ equality

There are now six different cases implicating LGBTQ rights sitting before the Supreme Court. While the conservative-majority Court has not yet agreed to hear any of them, a circuit split …

Province to Regulate Recruitment of Temporary Foreign Workers

The article gives a brief introduction to a newly passed Bill (Bill 48- 2018: Temporary Foreign Worker Protection Act). The bill will not come into effect until additional regulations are …

Senate passes back-to-work legislation, putting end to rotating Canada Post strikes

Mail service will resume all across the country at noon Tuesday after the Senate passed legislation ordering an end to five weeks of rotating strikes by postal workers. Royal assent …

Three New State Laws Legalize Marijuana Use, Sparking More Confusion and Igniting Further Conflict With Federal Law

The mid-term elections are still on people’s minds, as recounts and run-offs for federal congressional and state gubernatorial candidates are finally wrapping up.  Meanwhile, and largely taking a media-coverage backseat …

Federal labour law changes would benefit precarious workers

Enhanced personal leaves, more notice about job scheduling and a mandatory eight-hour break between shifts are among the proposals to amend Canada’s federal labour laws.  The changes are part of …

Title VII and LGBT Rights: The Current Landscape

The U.S. Supreme Court currently is contemplating whether to review three employment discrimination cases involving what, if any, protection Title VII extends against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation …

Transgender Americans still face workplace discrimination despite some progress and support of companies like Apple

Activist Gwendolyn Ann Smith founded Transgender Day of Remembrance on Nov. 20 to honor the memory of those whose lives were lost due to trans prejudice and hatred. In that spirit of …

Top Kentucky court upholds state’s ‘right-to-work’ law

The Kentucky Supreme Court has upheld the state’s so-called “right-to-work” law, which makes it illegal to require workers to join unions and bars the collection of fees from private-sector workers …

Brazil Case Law: TST-AIRR-11751-62.2015.5.01.0015

In this case, the Brazilian Higher Labor Court (TST) confirmed the decision that the plaintiff was a victim of discriminatory dismissal as a result of her pregnancy. According to the …

Mount Lemmon Fire District v. Guido

The Supreme Court held unanimously that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) applies to state and local government employers regardless of their size, resolving a split among the Circuit …