ILO: State practice to address COVID-19 infection as a work-related injury

GEIP is collecting the growing State practice in relation to COVID-19 infection as a work-related injury. This work will be updated on a weekly basis.


” This paper is divided into four parts. Part I provides an overview of the human rights impacts of the pandemic. Part II outlines the importance of the corporate responsibility …

Covid-19 and Labour Law. A Global Review

“This special issue of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal intends to provide a systematic and informative overview on the measures set out by lawmakers and/or social partners in a number …

Covid-19 Tracker: Which Brands Are Acting Responsibly toward Suppliers and Workers?

This tracker is created by the Workers Rights Consortium, to track which brands have made commitments to pay for their orders that have already been completed or are in production, …

Businesses all over the world are learning that “force majeure” is no get-out-of-jail-free card

Force majeure. It sounds like an artistic technique—a foil to deus ex machina, for instance, or the technical name for the thrilling final movement of a great symphony. In fact, it’s …

UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Statement on COVID-19

“The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening to overwhelm public health care systems, and is having devastating impacts across the world on all spheres of life – the economy, social security, education …

Garment supply chains in intensive care? Human rights due diligence in times of (economic) crises

This paper from ECCHR explores the following questions: • What should proper due diligence by brands and retailers have looked like in relation to these human rights in the years …

Covid-19 crisis makes clear a new concept of ‘worker’ is overdue

The crisis has highlighted the vulnerability of those outside conventional employment. A broader concept of ‘worker’ is needed to protect them equally. The Covid-19 crisis has found the western world, …

World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2020

“The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index® 2020 is the latest report in an annual series measuring the rule of law based on the experiences and perceptions of …

Shaping a new social contract through the pandemic

“In the midst of our COVID-19 pandemic, there are rising calls for government and business to form a ‘new social contract’. This would tackle the immediate economic hardship, and more …