Courts crackdown on gig economy algorithms

A new frontier is opening in the debate around gig economy worker rights. This time, it’s not about employment status, it’s about how the algorithms that govern their time and …

Repeat, Regain or Renegotiate? The Post-COVID Future of the Apparel Industry

“This paper outlines possible scenarios for a post-COVID-19 future of the global apparel industry, with special attention to the likely impacts for workers, employers and governments in the Asia and …

The truth about fast fashion: can you tell how ethical your clothing is by its price?

“What is the true cost of a Zara hoodie? In April 2019, David Hachfeld of the Swiss NGO Public Eye, along with a team of researchers and the Clean Clothes …

Webinar: Using ILO Recommendation 204 to secure the rights to collective bargaining and to participate in social dialogue

The ILAW Network and WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing) invite you to attend the third webinar in our series on strategies to extend labor rights to informal …

August 25, 2021

100 Years of Advancing Freedom of Association: ILO Convention 11’s role in promoting rights for agricultural workers

“In 1921, the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted the Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention (No. 11). Convention 11 advanced the principle that all those engaged in agriculture are entitled to …

Transatlantic trade co-operation: a lever for environmental and labour protection?

“After the second world war, the United States became the architect and staunchest supporter of a rules-based system of world trade, embodied in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade …

ILO Policy Brief: Building Forward Fairer: Women’s rights to work and at work at the core of the COVID-19 recovery

“Over a year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, gender equality in the world of work has worsened. Women have suffered disproportionate job and income losses, including because of …

International Journal of Labour Research: COVID-19 and Recovery: The Role of Trade Unions in Building Forward Better

“This article applies an econometric approach using data on the state of trade unions amidst COVID-19 to explain the contributions of social dialogue in increasing and enhancing trade union membership …

Labor Rights Group Aims to Hold Apparel Brands Jointly Liable for Alleged Supply Chain Abuses

Can big-name brands continue to skirt liability for integral players in their supply chains? That is the critical question at the heart of a handful of newly-initiated legal challenges that …

Money Heist: COVID-19 Wage Theft in Global Garment Supply Chains

“The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the undeniable truth that extreme labour exploitation forms the core feature of global apparel supply chains. The humanitarian crisis unleashed on garment workers in Asia due …