UK: Grange v Abellio London Ltd [2018] UKEAT 0304_17_0810 (8 October 2018)

In this decision published by the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the United Kingdom (“UKEAT”), based on an employee’s claim of a violation of the Working Time Regulations 1998 (“WTR”), Regulation …

Sweden: The Labor Court provides clarity on the enforceability of non-solicitation clauses in employment contracts

During 2018, three employees (who were computer game developers for the company) resigned in order to engage in a competing business and subsequently sought to hire employees from their former …

Unions accuse IKEA of undermining workers’ rights in three markets

Unions accused furniture retailer IKEA on Thursday of undermining workers’ rights in the United States, Ireland and Portugal, and asked the Dutch government to mediate.  The international UNI Global Union and …

Un Français sur quatre dit avoir été victime de propos ou comportement hostiles au travail

La conclusion sonne comme un avertissement. « Encore aujourd’hui, les propos et comportements sexistes, homophobes, racistes, liés à la religion, handiphobes ou liés à l’état de santé au travail, sont minimisés dans …

Unions accuse Ikea of undermining workers’ rights in Republic

Unions accused furniture retailer Ikea on Thursday of undermining workers’ rights in the Republic, the US and Portugal, and asked the Dutch government to mediate. The international UNI Global Union and other …

Uber and CitySprint among gig economy firms to face parliament

Uber and courier firms including CitySprint are to be called to give evidence to a parliamentary inquiry into gig economy companies that have continued to deny workers employment rights despite tribunal rulings. Frank …

Ryanair to cancel nearly 200 flights in latest strike action

Ryanair has cancelled 190 of its 2,400 scheduled flights on Friday blaming strikes by cabin crew based in Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy and Germany. The Irish airline, which has …

French law addressing gender equality and discrimination on the basis of disabilities 09/25/2018

The latest French law addressing gender equality and discrimination on the basis of disabilities was enacted on September 5, 2018: Law No. 2018-771 “loi pour la liberté de choisir son …

Ahead of “biggest ever” Ryanair cabin crew strike, Brussels sides with workers

One week ahead of a planned strike by Ryanair cabin crew, the European Commission has warned the low-cost carrier that it must submit to the labor laws of the countries …

Discrimination and privacy in religious workspaces: a welcome ruling on “ethos organisations”

Last week, the Grand Chamber of the CJEU handed down its fourth case on religious discrimination under the Equal Treatment Directive in employment and occupation: IR v JQ. It is a welcome exposition …