Nigeria: Treatise on Labour Law: A Review of the Recent Uber Decision

This treatise reviews the recent decision of the UK Court of Appeal between Uber and its drivers. The Court of Appeal, in a 2-1 decision delivered on 7th December 2018, …

Belgium: ITUC, “2019 ITUC Global Rights Index – The World’s Worst Countries for Workers”, 2019

The 2019 index shows that Belgium has fallen in the ranking and is now a country in which rights violations are repeated (rather than sporadic as previously). In addition, 18 …

Italy: Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro Monthly Newsletters 2019

The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters from …

The Guardian view on the gig economy: rights need enforcing (Editorial)

The increased level of intervention by the government in the labour market since Theresa May became prime minister is both rational and humane. The UK economy is too reliant on …

FactSheet European Court of Human Rights: Trade Union Rights

This factsheet summarizes most of the trade union rights related cases decided by the European Court of Human Rights.

The rise of poverty among EU workers since the financial crisis — in charts

FT reporting finds that in the EU, nearly one in six workers in temporary and part-time jobs were at risk of poverty in 2017. That proportion jumped to one in …

Angry South Korean taxi drivers strike against carpooling service

This article discusses a large taxi driver strike who were protesting against a carpooling service similar to Uber. Related articles:

Uber loses appeal over driver employment rights

Judges have dismissed Uber’s appeal against a landmark employment tribunal ruling that its drivers should be classed as workers with access to the minimum wage and paid holidays.  Master of the rolls, Sir …

UK: The “Good Work Plan”

The “Good Work Plan” (“GWP”) is a 33-page Policy Paper published by Her Majesty’s Government (“Government”) in the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) that presents the Government’s vision for the future of …

Workers get new rights in overhaul but zero-hours contracts remain

The government has introduced what it claims to be the biggest package of workplace reforms for 20 years after concerns that ministers have failed to appeal to voters who are …