JW brought a claim against her Saudi diplomat employer, who had bought her to the UK as a domestic servant. The facts of her claim involve working for over 16 hours …
JW brought a claim against her Saudi diplomat employer, who had bought her to the UK as a domestic servant. The facts of her claim involve working for over 16 hours …
Dans sa décision rendue le 3 juin, les prud’hommes de Compiègne (France) ont condamné Saint-Gobain à dédommager les 130 employés de l’usine de Thourotte (département de l’Oise), spécialisée dans la …
“Con una sentenza, emessa oggi (6 giugno, ndr), il Tribunale di Busto Arsizio rigetta il ricorso di Ryanair e condanna in via definitiva la compagnia per comportamento antisindacale nei confronti di …
More than 50 trade union members have won compensation totalling £1.9m after major construction firms admitted that they had been unlawfully blacklisted and denied work. The compensation will be paid …
Today the Dutch Senate voted to adopt the Child Labour Due Diligence Bill. In doing so, the Netherlands demonstrates that it is serious about combating child labour in global supply …
Près de dix ans après la vague de suicides chez l’ancien monopole d’État dans un climat social particulièrement lourd, l’entreprise, son ancien PDG Didier Lombard, ainsi que six ex-responsables sont …
Commentary: Jurisdiction, access to remedy in business and human rights cases, and the corporate structure: A tale of two cases
This note introduces two cases, both concerned with liability under a duty of care of parent companies, the obligation of ‘due diligence’ in supply chain operations and the obstacles presented …