Les syndicats CGT, CFDT et SUD d’Amazon France proposent à la direction une reprise progressive d’activité, alors que le géant américain de la logistique a fermé jusqu’au 5 mai ses …
Les syndicats CGT, CFDT et SUD d’Amazon France proposent à la direction une reprise progressive d’activité, alors que le géant américain de la logistique a fermé jusqu’au 5 mai ses …
The Italian “Strike Guarantee Authority” (Commissione di Garanzia)–that is empowered to regulate the right to strike in public services–has ordered all trade union organizations not to take any collective actions …
PARIS — A French court upheld a ruling Friday restricting Amazon deliveries to essential products only until a risk assessment is carried out, but reduced fines for breaches and extended …
Amazon se voit en effet restreint dans son activité à seulement des produits essentiels pour la période de la crise sanitaire et ce, sous astreinte de 100 000 euros par infraction …
Amazon se voit en effet restreint dans son activité à seulement des produits essentiels pour la période de la crise sanitaire et ce, sous astreinte de 100 000 euros par …
“New EU-wide laws are needed to end the culture of unfair purchasing practices by apparel brands, which at present allows them to cancel orders with impunity – leaving workers without …
The government must not ignore the “slave-like” conditions of migrant workers making rubber medical gloves in Malaysia in its rush to source protective equipment to keep frontline NHS staff safe from …
“The UK government has been urged to ban the import of cotton sourced from the Chinese province of Xinjiang, a region where Uighur Muslims are being put to work in factories in …
Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time must be interpreted as precluding a person engaged …
Dispatch 22: Polish Legislative Reform Tests a More Principled Approach to Collective Rights of Self-Employed Workers
Until 2019 Poland had one of the highest levels of workers performing personal work outside employment relationship who were at the same time fully excluded from the right to form …