Decision issued by the Spanish Supreme Court, No. 1184/2021, declaring that an undocumented migrant worker may introduce any evidence, including circumstantial evidence, to prove the existence of the requisite employment …
One of the UK’s top fund managers is to boycott the stock market float of the meal delivery firm Deliveroo next month, amid growing disquiet in the City over the company’s treatment of delivery …
Uber will reclassify its UK drivers as workers, falling partly in line with a recent Supreme Court ruling, but probably setting up a fresh round of disputes over what should …
Spanish unions will be given access to the algorithms companies such as Uber use to manage their workforce in the gig economy, to monitor conditions and stop workers being underpaid …
La ley de riders nace con el acuerdo de los agentes sociales. Finalmente, la CEOE ha dicho que sí en una reunión casi nocturna. UGT y CC OO ya habían aprobado la …
British shipping companies that sell old vessels to be scrapped cheaply in dangerous, low-paid conditions in Bangladesh, India or Pakistan may now be sued in London for workers’ deaths or injuries. …
Government faces complaints that measures have too many loopholes or put country’s business at a disadvantage Germany’s cabinet has approved a law on due-diligence to enforce the protection of human …