Poland: Bill amending the Labor Code, the Act on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and employing disabled people and the Act on Employment Promotion and labor market institutions

During the COVID-19 pandemic, under the influence of imposed restrictions, the possibility of remote work for employees appeared in the Polish labor law. Initially, as one of the forms of …

Tobacco firms in move to strike out Malawi exploitation case

Two of the world’s biggest tobacco companies are to ask the high court in London on Wednesday to strike out a case against them alleging the exploitation of Malawian farmers …

Initial Assessment of the notification of 4 Trade Unions vs APG Asset Management

On 18 May, 2020 the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (NCP) received a notification of a specific instance from the International Union of Food, …

UK: Bill to make provision for the creation of a single status for workers

Lord John Hendy QC has won a house of Lords ballot for a Private Members Bill. John is tabling a ‘Single Status of Workers Bill’ in the House of Lords on 26th …


Los avatares que precedieron a la firma del Acuerdo social son ya conocidos, y arrancan de la ofensiva jurídica de las empresas de plataformas para conseguir un pronunciamiento judicial que …

Spain adopts landmark law to protect ‘gig’ delivery workers

Spain approved a pioneering law Tuesday that gives delivery platforms a mid-August deadline to hire workers currently freelancing for them and that requires transparency of artificial intelligence used to manage …

Algorithmic management and collective bargaining

The discussion around the future of work, which has become ubiquitous in law, policymaking and the media, has so far concentrated on ‘quantitative’ aspects, for instance how many jobs may …


“An Act to declare the relationship between employer and employee to be a status relationship, to declare the question whether an individual is an employee or is self-employed to be …

EU Committee on Transport and Tourism for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Opinion on fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers – new forms of employment linked to digital development

The EU Committee on Transport has issued an Opinion on ‘fair working conditions, rights & social protection for platform workers,’ discussing OSH, employment status, social security, AI and transparency.  

German supply chain law reaches parliament

German unions have campaigned for years for a supply chain law to strengthen the human rights due diligence obligations of German companies. The government is now on the verge of …