Effectively Investigating, Prosecuting and Adjudicating Sexual Violence Cases: A Manual for Practitioners in Georgia

A new manual, aimed at improving access to justice for victims of sexual violence in the Georgian criminal justice system, has been developed. The manual, provides practical guidance to investigators, …

Continuing at work: Long-term illness, return to work schemes and the role of industrial relations

“This book focuses on the role of industrial relations structures and related actors in terms of how far they remain relevant in addressing and facilitating the return to work of …

European Centre of Expertise (ECE) in the field of labour law, employment and labour market policies: Thematic Review 2021 on Platform work

“Platform work is growing, yet it still remains a moderate to marginal form of economic activity across the EU. The lack of a conceptual quality framework and a unified approach …

UK staff to gain right to request flexible working from day one

Employees will have the right to request flexible working from the moment they start a job, with companies obliged to explain their reasons if it is then refused, the government …

Amazon reaches agreement with trade unions in Italy

Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) has struck a deal with Italian trade unions promising to engage with them more in the running of operations in the country. The framework agreement, seen by Reuters, comes …

European Parliament strongly backs legal rights for digital platform workers

Delivering our food come rain or shine and getting us around whenever we call them. The conditions for so called platform workers are coming under increasing scrutiny. Members of the …

Suing Goliath

This report maps out all relevant civil (not criminal) cases filed in EU Member States on the basis of alleged business-related human rights abuses and environmental harm in third countries, …

The Swiss Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation: Between Law and Politics

On 29 November 2020, Swiss citizens voted on a popular constitutional initiative, known as the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative.1 The vote was triggered by an initiative signed by more than …

EU to propose ban on products made by forced labour

The European Commission will propose an EU ban on products made by forced labour, its president Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday, adding that human dignity and freedom were …

European equality law review

IN THIS ISSUE ■ Setting and achieving standards: Independent assistance competences of the equality body ■ Gender equality and tax policies in the EU ■ Protection of self-employed from discrimination …