Comments on the Supreme Court decision dated March 23rd 2022 on information a collective dismissal letter must have in order for such dismissal to be effective

This article analyzes the Spanish Supreme Court decision 251/2022 on whether a collective dismissal letter missing certain information invalidates the whole dismissal process. Under Spanish employment law, at-will employment is …

Deliveroo écope d’une grosse amende pour ne pas avoir salarié ses livreurs

Le tribunal judiciaire de Paris a infligé ce mardi 19 avril une amende de 375.000 euros, le maximum prévu, à Deliveroo France jugée pour “travail dissimulé”, lors d’un premier procès pénal en …

Deliveroo gets a big fine for not having paid its delivery people

Deliveroo France was tried for “concealed work”, during a first criminal trial in France of “uberization” with the issue of the true status of its deliverers. The Paris court on …

Long-term care is in crisis; building worker power is the solution

“If these two pandemic years have felt long to you, imagine what it was like for the hundreds of thousands of long-term care workers when Covid hit in nursing homes …

PG v Ministero della Giustizia

“In its preliminary ruling, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered a judgement concerning the principle of non-discrimination and the improper use of fixed term contracts. In …

Comprehensive analysis of EU Commission’s proposal for a directive on due diligence

“On 23 February 2022, the European Commission released its proposal for a directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. The European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ), representing over 480 civil society, …

ETUI: Labour rights in trade agreements: five new stories

“Labour provisions in trade agreements have been criticised for minimal effectiveness in improving employment conditions. Five recent cases point to some benefits and to the lessons on when and how labour provisions can be effective. They make a difference in particular …

Britain hands billions to projects linked to labour abuse and climate damage

The British government has provided more than £5bn in the past three years to overseas energy and infrastructure projects linked to labour abuses and environmental damage, according to documents and …

European Court of Human Right: Work-Related Rights Fact Sheet

Here is the updated factsheet on work-related cases by the European Court of Human Rights:

McDonald’s France put ‘on notice’ over Brazilian suppliers

McDonald’s France has been put “on notice” to comply with duty of care laws by French and Brazilian unions who accuse the fast food giant’s suppliers of poor social and environmental …