Spotlight: More protection for foreign domestic workers

Employers who abuse foreign domestic workers could receive more severe punishment if proposed changes to the penal code are passed. In this week’s Spotlight, Eugenia Lim looks at what help …

Nestlé claims Australia’s Modern Slavery Bill is flawed and will cost customers in the end

Nestlé claims Australia’s Modern Slavery Bill is flawed and will cost customers in the end.    

House approves bill punishing more acts of job discrimination vs women

MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives passed on 3rd and final reading a bill that seeks to penalize more discriminatory acts against women in the workplace. On Tuesday, September 4, …

Ministry receives around 2,000 complaints from migrant workers

During five years, Myanmar migrant workers made around 2,000 complaints to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population and other related organizations.

2018 Employment and Labor Policy in Korea

This report provides an overview of the organization of Korea’s Ministry of Employment and an overview of Korea’s major employment and labor policies.

Australia: Independent Contractors Act 2006 

This is a legislative act.  It concerns the ability of independent contractors to make their own arrangements for working without the restrictions of employment law.  It also provides for the …

Occupational Health in India

This article summarizes the occupational health legislature in India. It details the laws, provisions, and institutions in the country that bolster safe, working conditions for all workers across all industries. …

Court decision regarding duty of fair representation, provision of trade union office (Case number 2017Da218642)

This is a court decision regarding duty of the employer to provide trade union office not only to the representative bargaining labor union but also to other labor union. (English) …

Court decision regarding severance payment (Case number: 2016Da228802)

This is a court decision regarding the calculation of severance payment. If there is a severance payment rule in the collective agreement or employee policy, severance payment should be paid …

New Zealand: Henderson and Ors v. Eurofins Bay of Plenty Limited [2018] NZERA Auckland 346 (Employment Relations Authority- Auckland)

Ms. Henderson, Mr. Thorn, and Ms. Stowell alleged they were unjustifiably dismissed. In order to determine the matter, resolve the employment relationship problems between the applicants and Eurofins, the authority …