Using Law to Support Social Movement-Led Collective Bargaining Structures in Supply Chains

This article critically examines two specific examples of collective bargaining structures created by social movement actors to regulate working conditions across supply chains — the Fair Food Program and the …

Uber drivers are not employees, Fair Work Ombudsman finds

The Fair Work Ombudsman has finalised its investigation into Uber and found its drivers to be independent contractors, not employees. Its decision confirms that Uber drivers are not entitled to …

Australia’s Fair Work Ombudsman finds Uber drivers are contractors: so what can unions do now?

Australia’s workplace enforcement agency, the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO), today announced the conclusions of its two-year investigation into Uber’s engagement of drivers. In short, the FWO has determined that Uber …

The challenges of migration in Thailand

The transnational migration in Thailand started in the 18th and 19th centuries when the Chinese traders and migrants and other nationalities came to Thailand such as the Indian, Western, and …

Indonesia: Court rejects gay policeman’s legal challenge

The Semarang State Administrative Court in Central Java has rejected a lawsuit filed by a former police officer, identified only as TT, against the Central Java Police, which fired him …

Thailand: Fishing: Labour Protection in Fishing Industry B.E. 2562 (2019) becomes effective but there is criticism on some part regarding the unfairness to the employer (ประมง: พ.ร.บ.คุ้มครองแรงงานประมงมีผลประกาศใช้แล้ว แต่บางส่วนเห็นว่าไม่เป็นธรรมต่อนายจ้าง)

The news discussing the Labour Protection in Fishing Industry B.E. 2562 in terms of the cost on the employer’s side to comply with the regulations and the potential problems that …

Thailand: Labour Protection in Fishing Industry B.E. 2562 (2019) (พระราชบัญญัติ คุ้มครองแรงงานในงานประมง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๒)

The new regulations regarding the labor protection in fishing industry in Thailand for both Thai and migrant workers. (Thai version)

HRDF Press Release: Migrant worker from Myanmar received 345,384 baht as compensation for loss of arm (ENG/THAI)

On 10 May 2019, Mr. La Min or Mr. Ku Lha Min, a migrant worker from Myanmar received 345,384 baht as compensation for the loss of his right arm while …

ILO, Address to the Seoul Bar Association on Core Labor Standards

Thailand: ประกันสังคมเผยดูแลแรงงานต่างด้าวเหมือนผู้ประกันตนคนไทย (Social Security office guarantee the equal protection of migrant workers as Thai workers.)

The article mentioned the statement of Mr. Anantachai Uthaipattanacheep, the Secretary of Social Security Office, Ministry of Labor that the protection in the system granted to legal migrant workers in …