Domestic workers law could be enacted next year

House of Nationalities (upper house) Immigration, domestic/immigrant domestic workers affairs committee chairman Kyaw Htwe said that they were trying to enact the Domestic/Immigrant Domestic Workers Law in 2020. The committee …

Samsung Elec board chairman jailed on union-busting charge

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (005930.KS) board chairman Lee Sang-hoon was sentenced to 1-1/2 years jail on Tuesday for sabotaging legitimate union activities, a South Korean court said. Lee and about …

The workers organising for a better future in Cambodia

When she was elected to represent the local branch of the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union, or CCADWU, in 2007, Srun Sokthy felt alone and disheartened. She wasn’t …

Indonesia: The $4 Million Severance Payout That Almost Didn’t Happen

In late November, a group of laid-off garment industry workers in Indonesia collected more than $4 million in severance pay owed to them by their employer. It was a rare …

Why corporations can’t be trusted to advance human rights

China’s ongoing repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang has produced a relatively weak response from the United States and Western Europe. One suggestion from Human Rights Watch revived an old idea: Insist that multinational companies …

Thai electronics firm compensates exploited workers in rare award

Burmese migrants who were illegally charged excessive recruitment fees to secure jobs at an electronics manufacturer in Thailand are being compensated in a rare award expected to spotlight a practice …

Kenya Gov’t sued over Nepalese women trafficked for sex

The Kenyan government has been sued for allegedly failing to protect five Nepalese women who were trafficked into the country for sexual exploitation. According to Awareness Against Human Trafficking (HAART), …

Government vows to protect workers as protests over pneumoconiosis grow

All workers employed in industries with a high risk of occupational disease will be covered by work-related injury insurance within the next three years under a new government program announced today. …

Seabound: The Journey to Modern Slavery on the High Seas

For several years now, international media has shone a spotlight on the inhumane working conditions of migrant fishers from Southeast Asia. The vessels they work on reportedly use destructive, illegal, …

Japan’s new labor laws: Insecurity for international & contract workers

Since the new Japanese labor laws, originally passed in 2013, came into full effect last year, some companies have acted unlawfully to evade rules that benefit long-term contract workers. Employees have …