CJEU / C-715/20

A Polish court is seised of a dispute between a worker employed under a fixed-term contract and his former employer. In accordance with national legislation, that employer terminated the contract …

Lessons from Latin America on the impact of platform cooperativism and collective bargaining on algorithmic management

“In recent years, the platform model of capitalism has spread throughout the world, exacerbating precariousness, informality and the delocalisation of labour relations wherever it goes. This in turn has created …

Algorithms of Resistance: The Everyday Fight against Platform Power

“How global workers, influencers, and activists develop tactics of algorithmic resistance by appropriating and repurposing the same algorithms that control our lives. Algorithms are all around us, permeating more and …

ILO Report: Realizing decent work in the platform economy

“The ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 108th Session (2019), calls on all ILO Member States to put in place …

Decent Work for displaced people: Lessons from the experiences of Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee workers in Colombia and Brazil

“Currently, all workers in Colombia and Brazil are facing enormous challenges to organize themselves at the workplace. For refugee and migrant workers without higher education or professional credentials, the obstacles …

How to Make the Green Economy a Just Economy

At last year’s COP28 climate summit in Dubai, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change presented a stark warning. The world remains on track for at least three degrees Celsius …


This past year witnessed two major federal developments on employment status. In June, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) held that the hair and makeup stylists petitioning for union representation at the …

Platform-work directive: the clock is ticking

After more than two years of intense negotiation and some dissonance, the fate of the European Union platform-work directive hangs in the balance. In December, a provisional agreement reached in …

National Policy Index (NPI) for worker mental health and its relationship with enterprise psychosocial safety climate

“Mental ill health is an international public health crisis and current approaches have been ineffective. We investigate the role of national policy in improving mental health, providing strong evidence that …

Worker Power and Voice in the AI Response

In “Worker Power and Voice in the AI Response,” we outline a series of action-oriented recommendations to respond to the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace, such as banning the use …