“In the last two months, India’s labour laws have experienced rapid changes in the blink of an eye. A number of state governments have either amended or are considering amending …
“In the last two months, India’s labour laws have experienced rapid changes in the blink of an eye. A number of state governments have either amended or are considering amending …
“Unions have traditionally had a strong levelling effect on incomes, transferring money from capital to labour, particularly to the low-waged. Thus, falling union membership and collective bargaining coverage over the last …
“The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) has made public the long-awaited judgment on accumulated cases Sánchez Ruiz and Fernández Álvarez (judgment March 19, 2020, C-103/18 and C-429/18). …
“Stay at home” remains one of the main recommendations of health authorities around the world to contain the Coronavirus pandemic. Social isolation has helped immensely in not having even higher …
This 34-chapter open-access book brings together leading scholars to investigate recent conceptual shifts, research findings and policy debates on the informal economy. Well over half of the global workforce and …
“Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China in December 2019, several countries around the world imposed lockdowns or curfews and travel restrictions which resulted in the limited …
Guatemala is in the midst of renewing its Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. Ensuring impartial, professional, and honest officials in Guatemala’s highest courts is crucial to the rule of …
In a world where attacks on the basic human rights and equal worth of all people are escalating, Advancing Equality reminds us of the critical role of constitutions in protecting equal rights. …
“There is international agreement on the fundamental importance of ending discrimination at work, with commitments to ending discrimination at work embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2016), the …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036
A New Moment for Wrongful Discharge Law
“At-will employment is out of favor. In recent polling from Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Data for Progress, and the Omidyar Network, a striking 68% of respondents said that employers should be limited in …