End of Brexit transition: Workers’ rights

The United Kingdom formally left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Under the terms of the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement, the UK is currently in a transition period until 31 …

Empowering Women at Work: Trade Union Policies and Practices for Gender Equality

Persistent gender-based discrimination and inequalities in the labour market reflect longestablished unequal power relations, which carry enormous consequences for women and society. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis, like no other previous …

Finding a silver lining in the Swiss rejection of the Responsible Business Initiative: a hope of legal accountability in the parliamentary counterproposal (Part 2)

With the rejection of the popular Business Responsible Initiative (RBI) in Switzerland, the parliamentary counterproposal is due to enter into force soon. The counterproposal introduces a new article 964 in …

General observation on matters arising from the application of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006) during the COVID-19 pandemic

“The Committee notes with deep concern the challenges and the impact that restrictions and other measures adopted by governments around the world to contain the spread of the COVID19 pandemic …

Finding a silver lining in the rejection of the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative: a hope of legal accountability in the parliamentary counterproposal (Part 1)

On 29th November 2020, Switzerland narrowly rejected the popular Responsible Business Initiative (RBI) which would have obliged Swiss companies and the businesses they control anywhere in the world to respect human rights and …

From whistleblower laws to unions: How Google’s AI ethics meltdown could shape policy

It’s been two weeks since Google fired Timnit Gebru, a decision that still seems incomprehensible. Gebru is one of the most highly regarded AI ethics researchers in the world, a …

The migrant pay gap: Understanding wage differences between migrants and nationals

“Labour migration can be an important vehicle for development, when it is fair, well-governed and allows migrant workers to access decent work. The world counts an estimated 164 million migrant …

A Legal Challenge Against Racist Labor Exclusions Finds Life in Washington

“On November 5th the Washington Supreme Court ruled, in a 5-4 decision, that dairy workers are eligible for overtime pay. The Martinez-Cuevas decision could apply to all agricultural workers in Washington state. Materially this will …

The art of using supply chains to defend worker rights

“Supply chains have been heavily criticised since the onset of COVID-19, as shortages of PPE and other medical equipment have laid bare the vulnerabilities they create for consumers. But labour …

Why women’s right to health and gender equality should be your business

“In order to address existing inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic, companies should make a serious effort in reducing the gender pay gap, upholding maternity provisions, tackling gender bias, and reducing …