This article discusses the limitation of the definition of human trafficking, inadequate victim identification and lack of protection system for refugees and victims of human trafficking in Hong Kong. Literature …
This article discusses the limitation of the definition of human trafficking, inadequate victim identification and lack of protection system for refugees and victims of human trafficking in Hong Kong. Literature …
This case discussed the procedural requirements of the redundancy. In this case, the employer did not fulfill the notice requirement of the redundancy. The court returns that even though there …
This case discussed when the employer has the discretion to decide the exit package. The court believed that Section 40(g) of the Employment Act is a mandatory provision. The employer …
This case is about the relationship between the company and two different trade unions. The right to represent the employees requires the trade union represents a simple majority of unionisable …
Mr. Williams worked for BSL Produce Limited from 22 November 2017 until 11 April 2018. He sought compensation for unjustifiable dismissal. BSL argued no remedy was available because the Applicant …
Attached is the Collective Labour Agreement between low fare airline Ryanair and two of its Cabin Crew unions, CNE-CSC & LBC-NVK. The agreement recognizes that workers whose home base is …
This case is about the right of the court to interfere with the negotiation of the Collective Bargain Agreement. The court thought it shall not interfere with the negotiation because …
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday revived a lawsuit claiming that Nestle SA and agribusiness company Cargill Inc. aided and abetted child slavery on cocoa farms …
The Philippines House of Representative approved the amendment of a provision of the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act (Paragraph 5, Section 10 of Republic Act 8042) to grant overseas …
This case was an appeal by an employee in the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) who was dismissed by his employer after an employer investigation into the employee’s alleged sexual harassment and …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
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