Debate about the regulation of “digital labor platforms” abounds globally among scholars, legislators, and other analysts concerned about the future of work(ers). In 2024, the European Parliament passed a first-of-its …
Debate about the regulation of “digital labor platforms” abounds globally among scholars, legislators, and other analysts concerned about the future of work(ers). In 2024, the European Parliament passed a first-of-its …
“Debate about the regulation of “digital labor platforms” abounds globally among scholars, legislators, and other analysts concerned about the future of work(ers). In 2024, the European Parliament passed a first-of-its …
In Portuguese, “Reforma trabalhista no Brasil: promessas e realidade”. The book was published after two years of the labor reform in Brazil, legislation that represented a great deregulation of the …
In Portuguese, “Reforma trabalhista no Brasil: promessas e realidade.” The book was published after two years of the labor reform in Brazil, legislation that represented a great deregulation of the …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036