Beyond Qatar: Global Opportunities to Address Migrant Workers Access to Justice for Wage Theft
Thousands of migrant workers whose labour made the World Cup possible still have not been able to recover the wages they are owed. They are not the exception. In every country, migrant workers routinely face wage theft because of their unique vulnerability as migrants.
We invite you to register for a global conversation on December 14 on next steps to ensure justice for migrant workers. The event, hosted by Migrant Justice Institute, Solidarity Center, the ILAW Network and MIDEQ, will include a discussion with trade unions and civil society advocates in the Americas, MENA, Asia, and Australia. The conversation will focus on the ways in which advocates are addressing the challenges that migrant workers face in recovering the wages owed to them, and promising developments and strategies for systemic change. It will also include discussion on a forthcoming ILO Guidance Note on Wage Protection, and next steps in the research that we will undertake in 2023 to support advocates (and governments) to drive this change. Registrants will receive a link to the recording following the event.
Date: December 14, 2022
Time: 18:00-19:30 GMT | 1:00- 2:30 pm Washington, DC
Interpretation in Spanish will be available/ Habrá interpretación en español