“In a nutshell, further elaborated in the following sections, the right of workers covered by the NLRA to be free from retaliation for engaging in concerted activities for mutual aid …
It was supposed to be just another routine job for Patti Cris, who in early 2018 was a contract worker for the home services booking site Handy. She got the …
Smithfield Foods has been fined $13,494 for its failure to mitigate worker exposure to the coronavirus, the first such meatpacking company sanction imposed by OSHA during the pandemic. Nearly 1,300 …
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have prepared orders to block imports of cotton and tomato products from China’s western region of Xinjiang over accusations of forced labor, though a …
A federal judge in Manhattan has declared the most consequential elements of the Trump administration’s recent joint employer regulation illegal, halting what’s been a priority for Republicans and the business community. The …
The US District Court for the Southern District of New York found that the US DOL’s new final rule on joint employer status violated the Administrative Procedures Act because it …
A federal judge in Manhattan has declared the most consequential elements of the Trump administration’s recent joint employer regulation illegal, halting what’s been a priority for Republicans and the business community. …
These are tough times for workers, with COVID-related risks layered atop a grossly distorted power disparity that has long enabled businesses to degrade working conditions and violate labor laws. Workers …
Why Uber and Lyft are taking a page out of big tobacco’s playbook in labor law battle
“Uber and Lyft are waging a scorched-earth regulatory battle to avoid providing basic benefits to their drivers, now considered essential workers, in their largest US market: California. In response to …