Dos Santos Nascimento y Ferreira Gomes Vs. Brasil

El caso se relaciona con la investigación y judicialización de lo sucedido el 26 de marzo de 1998, cuando Neusa dos Santos Nascimento, y Gisele Ana Ferreira Gomes, ambas afrodescendientes, …

Brasil Es Responsable Por Falta De Debida Diligencia Reforzada En La Investigación De Hechos De Discriminación Racial En Contra De Dos Trabajadoras Afrodescendientes

En la sentencia notificada hoy, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos – Corte IDH, encontró responsable internacionalmente al Estado de Brasil en el caso Dos Santos Nascimento y Ferreira Gomes …

Chinese workers in BYD Brazil factory signed contracts with abusive clauses, investigators say

The workers who traveled from China to northeast Brazil to build a new factory for electric car maker BYD earned roughly $70 per 10-hour shift, over twice the Chinese hourly …

Brazil charges Volkswagen unit with treating farm workers like slaves decades ago

Brazilian labor prosecutors charged Volkswagen’s local unit with subjecting farm workers to conditions akin to slavery decades ago and are seeking 165 million reais ($27.5 million) in damages, they said …

Digital Labor Platforms as Machines of Production

Debate about the regulation of “digital labor platforms” abounds globally among scholars, legislators, and other analysts concerned about the future of work(ers). In 2024, the European Parliament passed a first-of-its …

Digital Labor Platforms as Machines of Production

“Debate about the regulation of “digital labor platforms” abounds globally among scholars, legislators, and other analysts concerned about the future of work(ers). In 2024, the European Parliament passed a first-of-its …

In the face of climate change, workers’ health is put to the test by new dangers

“Under the midday sun, lugging a heavy cooler in one hand and a mini barbecue in the other, Edimar Santiago walks the length and breadth of Rio de Janeiro’s Vermelha …

Lula to Propose Stronger Labor Protections for Brazil’s Uber Drivers

Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is pushing to strengthen the labor rights of drivers for Uber Technologies Inc and similar passenger transport apps, taking on a challenge that has vexed lawmakers …


Regulatory Radiography: Where, what and how is artificial intelligence being regulated in Latin America (Report in Spanish) The report is a response to the uncertainties that are arising from the …

Decent Work for displaced people: Lessons from the experiences of Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee workers in Colombia and Brazil

“Currently, all workers in Colombia and Brazil are facing enormous challenges to organize themselves at the workplace. For refugee and migrant workers without higher education or professional credentials, the obstacles …