The government and the House of Representatives have decided to delay deliberations over labor provisions within the omnibus bill on job creation, resulting in the cancellation of an earlier plan …
The government and the House of Representatives have decided to delay deliberations over labor provisions within the omnibus bill on job creation, resulting in the cancellation of an earlier plan …
An ammendment to the labour law could see employees secure their jobs and escape looming pay cuts and unemployment propelled by the Coronavirus pandemic effects on the economy. On the flip …
“Fuyao Glass America Inc. won’t be prosecuted for alleged labor violations depicted in a recent Academy Award-winning documentary film because the accusations were made too late, a federal labor board …
“This special issue of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal intends to provide a systematic and informative overview on the measures set out by lawmakers and/or social partners in a number …
“Laws limiting public gatherings, as well as freedom of movement, have been passed in many States. Restrictions based on public health concerns are justified, where they are necessary and proportionate …
The Korean Metal Workers’ Union(KMWU) filed a compensation suit against Korean government, the police officers, The Korea Enterprises Federation(KEF) and consultants who cooperated with Samsung and Samsung for damages caused …
Will fundamental workers’ rights also fall victim to COVID-19?
“The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed in stark terms the fact that our economies are built on the systematic exploitation of workers, whether at our local grocery store or in distant farms, factories …