‘The Spirit of Australia’, just not in a pandemic: Qantas plays hard-ball on workers’ rights

“Nine years ago, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce made himself a household name by embarking on a high-risk strategy in an industrial dispute that involved grounding the airline’s fleet globally. Faced …

Impact of the Global Pandemic on Indian Labor Laws

“In the wake of the global pandemic and the nation-wide lockdown, a heavy constraint has been put on individuals as well as the economy. To minimize the impact of the …

‘The Spirit of Australia’, just not in a pandemic: Qantas plays hard-ball on workers’ rights

“Nine years ago, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce made himself a household name by embarking on a high-risk strategy in an industrial dispute that involved grounding the airline’s fleet globally. Faced …

Derechos sindicales centran debate en Parlamento de Uruguay

El derecho sindical a la huelga revindicativa y la proteccion de las empresas publicas centran hoy el debate en el Senado de Uruguay en torno al controversial proyecto gubermental de …

Latest Amendments to Kazakhstan Labour Legislation

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed Law No. 321-VI, On Amendments into Certain Labour-Related Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Amendment Law) on 4 May. The law entered …

Implications for Corporate Governance Reform of the (Almost) First Food Delivery App Union

“It was supposed to be the first union for food delivery app couriers in North America. In February 2020, the labor relations board for the Canadian province of Ontario found that …

PIT-CNT planteó en el Parlamento su rechazo absoluto a LUC

El orden del día de la Comisión Especial para el estudio del proyecto de ley con declaratoria de urgente consideración, para este feriado 18 de mayo, evidenciaba lo inocultable: el …

Posición del Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores – Convención Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT-CNT) con respecto al Proyecto de Ley con declaración de urgente consideración

INTRODUCCION Se encuentra a estudio de esta Comisión del Senado el Proyecto de Ley con declaratoria de urgente consideración remitido por el Poder Ejecutivo, con fecha 28 de abril del …

Humans are not resources. Coronavirus shows why we must democratise work

Working humans are so much more than “resources”. This is one of the central lessons of the current crisis. Caring for the sick; delivering food, medication and other essentials; clearing away our waste; stocking …

U.N. Labour Agency Warns Indian States on Scrapping of Workers’ Rights

NEW DELHI/AHMEDABAD — The U.N. labour agency urged Indian states thinking of relaxing workers’ rights to help industry survive the coronavirus to consult workers first as a union linked to …