Nuestro colega, miembro de ILAW, analiza “¿Cuál es el poder conceptual de la economía colaborativa? El trabajo en plataformas parece transformar las nociones del empleo asalariado y presenta claroscuros como …
Bangladeshi garment suppliers—battered by the pandemic and the unethical business practices of Western clothing giants—have settled with one of their biggest tormentors: Sears. The crumbling retailer left its manufacturers with stacks of its …
Esta semana se cumplirá un año desde la expedición de la “LEY PARA BRINDAR SEGURIDAD JURÍDICA SOBRE LA HUELGA Y SUS PROCEDIMIENTOS” en Costa Rica, que siendo una respuesta a …
The Panel Report under the EU-Korea Trade Agreement Concerning Labor Practices: What are the Purposes of Trade Agreements as they Relate to the ILO’s Fundamental Labor Rights?
In recent years, workers’ rights advocates have increasingly urged the US and the EU to strengthen the commitments under the labor chapters of their trade agreements. Following up on the …