Amazon’s Misdeeds Should Mean Automatic Unionization, Says Unifor

Amazon’s efforts to block an organizing drive at its Delta warehouse were so unfair that the union should be automatically certified, Unifor Local 114 told the BC Labour Relations Board …

CVS Says Union Vote Certifications Require NLRB Quorum

CVS has argued that National Labor Relations Board regional offices cannot certify the results of union representation elections while the agency lacks a quorum, advancing the latest argument employers have …

Iraqi unions reject controversial draft law

The Conference of Iraq Federations and Workers Unions (CIFWU) and the Iraqi Trade Union Council (ITUC), representing ten union federations, have rejected a proposed draft law on trade union organization …

The Union Scores a Big Win in Starbucks Battle

The union organizing some B.C. Starbucks coffee shops scored a big win at the BC Labour Relations Board, which ruled Thursday that workers at multiple locations could be in one …

A new California law bans your boss from ordering you to attend anti-union meetings

Starting Jan. 1, California employers won’t be able to require workers to attend any meetings related to their political or religious views — or how their bosses feel about unions.  …

Solicita EU panel para abordar conflicto de la Minera Camino Rojo

Por tercera ocasión, el gobierno de Estados Unidos solicitó un panel bajo el Mecanismo Laboral de Respuesta Rápida del T-MEC para abordar el conflicto en la Minera Camino Rojo, ubicada …

US officials to investigate labor and human rights abuses in Nicaragua

The Biden administration is opening an investigation into labor and human rights abuses in Nicaragua, impacting relations with a country the U.S. has a free trade deal with amid growing …

A Big Step Forward: But Bigger Steps Required – A Note on the Employment Rights Bill

The Employment Rights Bill is a big step forward in improving workers’ rights, addressing a number of abusive employer practices, and removing unwarranted restrictions on trade unions. The Bill’s success …

US wants Bangladesh to implement 11-point labour action plan by March 2025

The United States has called for the implementation of an 11-point action plan aimed at improving labour rights in Bangladesh by March 2025. Kelly M Fay Rodriguez, special representative for …

NLRB rules anti-union captive audience meetings an illegal abuse of employer power

Last week, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled that anti-union captive audience meetings in particular are illegal because they interfere with workers’ right to freely choose whether to form or join …