Read the latest issue of The Global Labour Rights Reporter: “Forging a Feminist Labour Law

Subcontracting: Exploitation by design. Tackling the business model for social dumping

“A new study commissioned by The Left in the European Parliament sets out how subcontracting has become the business model for exploiting workers in the EU. Numerous scandals – from systemic exploitation …

Global Car Supply Chains Entangled With Abuses in Xinjiang, Report Says

A new report on the auto industry cites extensive links to Xinjiang, where the U.S. government now presumes goods are made with forced labor. The global auto industry remains heavily …

Dutch Bill on Mandatory Due Diligence

Here is the updated language and proposal for a Dutch Mandatory Due Diligence Bill English:

EU forced labour ban : not tough enough for some, overreach risk for others

Non-governmental organisation and academia want the EU’s proposed ban on products made with forced labour to be toughened up, but employers from developing countries are urging caution, saying that products …

India trade deal ‘would open UK to goods produced by child labour and modern slavery’

Unions representing tens of millions of workers in India are calling on Britain to suspend talks on a trade deal with the country, warning it would open UK markets to goods produced by child labour and …

UK authorities face court action on Xinjiang

British authorities are being taken to court this month after campaigners took legal action over their failure to block imports of cotton made with forced labour in the Xinjiang region …

US businesses propose hiding trade data used to trace abuse

A group of major U.S. businesses wants the government to hide key import data — a move trade experts say would make it more difficult for Americans to link the …

Natchi Apparel US import ban lifted ‘thanks to’ collective bargaining

The US has dropped an import ban on Indian garment maker Natchi Apparel, imposed originally on concerns over forced labour. Natchi Apparel, is owned by Eastman Exports and was added …

EU aims to ban products, imports made with forced labour – document

 Products made with forced labour or those imported into the 27-country European Union will be banned under draft rules, according to an EU document seen by Reuters, a move driven …

U.N. Says China May Have Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in Xinjiang

In a long-awaited report released on Wednesday, the United Nations’ human rights office accused China of actions that “may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity,” in its mass …