This is the decision of the US DC Circuit Court applying the IOIA’s commercial activities exception to an international organization accused of facilitating human trafficking and sued in a US court. …

Britain hands billions to projects linked to labour abuse and climate damage

The British government has provided more than £5bn in the past three years to overseas energy and infrastructure projects linked to labour abuses and environmental damage, according to documents and …

Workers Sue Dyson on Allegations of Forced Labor in Malaysian Supplier

Migrant workers from Nepal and Bangladesh are suing a widely recognized British brand, household appliance manufacturer, Dyson, over complaints of forced labor and other dangerous working conditions at one of its supplier …

Nurses Who Faced Lawsuits for Quitting Are Fighting Back

A couple of years ago, Novie Dale Carmen paid $20,000 to quit her nursing job. She was less than halfway to fulfilling the three-year commitment she’d made to Health Carousel LLC, …

Nurses Who Faced Lawsuits for Quitting Are Fighting Back

Migrant nurses have filed a proposed class action in Health Carousel’s home state of Ohio, accusing the company of human trafficking. Although “trafficking” evokes images of people brutally beaten or …

Slavery Entrenched by Law: Immigrant Workers in the Gulf Story

Siddiq Shehab arrived in the Gulf from his native Mangalore in South India in 1982, carrying an almost empty suitcase. Siddiq left everything behind and travelled to the Gulf to …

Faced With Questions About Forced Labor in China, the I.O.C. Is Tight-Lipped

Olympic officials are reluctant to probe whether any Beijing 2022 merchandise might have been made under duress by Uyghurs, an activist group charges. The activists’ request was straightforward: They wanted …

U.S. blocking tomato shipments from Mexican farms accused of abusing workers

“An export powerhouse that provides much of America’s vegetables, the Mexican produce industry in recent years has followed up on some promised reforms aimed at preventing the abuse of farmworkers. …

US: Senate passes Uyghur forced labor bill

In a rare bipartisan compromise, the Senate unanimously passed a bill punishing the Chinese government for its genocide of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities — and agreed to hold a …

Human rights violations off the rack: Dutch and US brands allegedly rely on forced labor

The European Center for Constitutional Rights (ECCHR) with the support of Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers submitted a criminal complaint against several Dutch and US textile and fashion brands who …