The safety business: TÜV SÜD’s role in the Brumadinho dam failure in Brazil

On 15 October 2019, five Brazilians who lost close family members in the dam failure, together with ECCHR and MISEREOR, and supported by Brazilian NGOs Associação Comunitária da Jangada and …

City Council passes bill to extend labor protections for domestic workers

The new legislation requires employers to provide the city’s approximately 16,000 domestic workers — including home health aides, nannies and housekeepers — with a written contract that lays out duties, …

Drain company owner convicted of manslaughter in South End trench collapse

A Suffolk Superior Court judge today convicted the owner of a drain pipe company of manslaughter in connection with the drowning of two workers in a South End trench collapse …

The Uber/Lyft Ballot Initiative Guarantees only $5.64 an Hour

Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash have unveiled their ballot initiative to undo historic worker protections enshrined in AB5, California’s new law that tightens the criteria for worker classification. The initiative claims …

Presume STPS efectividad en 61% de juicios contra la Reforma Laboral

La Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) aseguró que ha ganado seis de cada 10 amparos interpuestos en contra de la reforma laboral. De acuerdo con datos proporcionados por …

Aprueba el Pleno cameral Ley Orgánica del Centro Federal de Conciliación y Registro Laboral

El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó por 410 votos a favor, 1 en contra y 17 abstenciones el dictamen por el que se expide la Ley Orgánica del …

En México, 90% de empresas hacen contrataciones irregulares: FMI

Un 90 por ciento de empresas en México aprovechan la flexibilidad de los esquemas laborales para caer en alguna práctica de informalidad; hay amplio margen, señala el Fondo Monetario Internacional …

Europeans have double standards on transatlantic trade

Europe loves to bash America for its lack of a social safety-net and Darwinian labour market, which comes with relatively few worker protections and plenty of doublespeak. But European companies …


Multinational corporations based in Europe have accelerated their foreign direct investment in the Southern states of the United States in the past quarter-century. Some companies honor workers’ freedom of association, …

Unprecedented: The Trump NLRB’s attack on workers’ rights

Under the Trump administration, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has systematically rolled back workers’ rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining with their employers, to the detriment …