Labor agency closes more than half of workers’ coronavirus retaliation complaints without investigating

The federal agency charged with upholding workplace safety has dismissed more than half of the complaints from workers who say they were retaliated against for raising coronavirus safety concerns, according to …

U.S. accused of violating international labor laws, forced-labor protections in new complaint

Leaders representing a large number of U.S. trade unions filed a complaint with the United Nations’ labor agency Wednesday, arguing that the country under President Trump has violated international labor …

AFL-CIO & SEIU Complaint to the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association Against the Government of the United States of America

The complaint focuses on the failures of U.S. labor law and policy including which have endangered the rights of workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the fact that the …

Transgender man files pregnancy discrimination suit against Amazon

A transgender man in New Jersey is suing Amazon, claiming he was harassed and denied a promotion with the online giant after telling his boss he was pregnant. Shaun Simmons …

Se marca un hito: Juzgado del Trabajo reconoce relacion laboral entre plataforma y repartidor

Revuelo hay en el mundo laboral luego de que se conociera la sentencia del Juzgado de Letras del Trabajo de Concepción, en la cual, por primera vez in Chile, se …

STPS define los 5 elementos de la reforma para regular el outsourcing

La regulación de la subcontratación quedó congelada en el Congreso de la Unión el periodo ordinario de sesiones pasado, y a pesar de que hay diversas reformas propuestas en la materia, la …

Peru Gobierno pretende restringir el derecho a la Negociación Colectiva en el Sector Público mediante la prórroga del Decreto de Urgencia No. 014 de 2020

Peru Gobierno pretende restringir el derecho a la NegociaciónColectiva en el Sector Público mediante la prórroga del Decreto de Urgencia No. 014 de 2020 que reglamenta y restringe la negociación …

CSA presenta Informe sobre Impacto del Covid 19 en los derechos laborales en las Américas

El Informe mapeó la situación de realización y vulneración de derechos laborales y sindicales en el marco de la pandemia en los países de las Américas. Fue elaborada una hoja …

U.S. bans imports from Malaysian palm oil company FGV

The United States has banned imports of palm oil from Malaysian company FGV Holdings FGVH.KL following an investigation into allegations it uses forced labour, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) …


This report provides an updated overview of the progress that has been made in advancing workplace anti-harassment reforms in the states from October 2017 to September 2020, as well as …