Addressing Worker Safety and Health Through the Lens of Strategic Enforcement—Part 2

“Ensuring the safety and health of workers in this country, who are employed at millions of workplaces presenting a dizzying array of hazards, is beyond daunting. And yet, it is …

The Sneaky Tactic That Makes Uber and Lyft Worse for Everyone

Last year, former U.S. Circuit Court Judge David Tatel, who is blind, was denied a Lyft ride to court when a driver refused to accept his guide dog. It should not …

Mexico to propose labour reform for app drivers, delivery workers

Mexico will propose a labour reform for drivers and delivery workers using applications like Uber, Didi and Rappi, officials said on Wednesday. The reform would roll out a pilot program …

Barrick in Toronto Court over Allegations of Acts of Extreme Violence at North Mara Mine in Tanzania

OTTAWA, ON and TORONTO, Oct. 15, 2024 /CNW/ – Today hearings commence in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Toronto on behalf of 32 plaintiffs from Tanzania against Barrick Gold Corporation (Barrick). The plaintiffs are Indigenous Kuria from …

Subcontracting at NYC hotels must end

Unknown to most guests, often that housekeeper isn’t employed by the hotel. Instead, they work for a subcontractor we’ve never heard of, an arrangement leading to lower wages and benefits. …

Varieties of AI Regulations: The United States Perspective

Pirelli y el Sindicato Miguel Trujillo López firman Convenio complementario de armonización de beneficios

La Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) informa que, derivado de la investigación sobre una presunta denegación de derechos de libertad de asociación y negociación colectiva en la empresa …

Hudbay Minerals settles civil lawsuits regarding former operations in Guatemala

Hudbay Minerals Inc. has reached settlement agreements covering three civil lawsuits in connection with the Fenix nickel project in Guatemala that the company sold in 2011. The company says the …

Injerencia patronal, el principal motivo de activación de las quejas laborales en el marco del T-MEC

La injerencia patronal, prohibida en la Ley Federal del Trabajo, así como en el acuerdo comercial con Estados Unidos y Canadá, es uno de los principales motivos que origina las quejas laborales …

Digital Labor Platforms as Machines of Production

Debate about the regulation of “digital labor platforms” abounds globally among scholars, legislators, and other analysts concerned about the future of work(ers). In 2024, the European Parliament passed a first-of-its …