Education workers in Ontario announce mass walkout amid back-to-work legislation

A union representing tens of thousands of school support workers is vowing to hold a province-wide day of protest on Friday, even as the government formally tables legislation intended to …

NLRB GC issues memo on electronic monitoring and algorithmic management

General Counsel Abruzzo issued GC Memo 23-02 addressing “Electronic Monitoring and Algorithmic Management of Employees Interfering with the Exercise of Section 7 Rights.”  The memo surveys developments in these areas and …

Mexico: Lawmakers pass bill making social security mandatory for domestic workers

Both houses of Congress have now approved legislation that seeks to guarantee that Mexico’s more than 2 million domestic workers have access to social security benefits. In March, senators voted unanimously …

¿Bloqueos o derecho a huelga? Una inédita alianza de abogados laboralistas se presenta en la Justicia por un caso testigo

En una alianza inédita, abogados laboralistas de diferentes vertientes y con terminales en las tres centrales obreras del país, se presentarán el miércoles en el Juzgado Nacional del Trabajo N°69 para pedir …

Call center workers can seek overtime for booting up computers

(Reuters) – Call center employees who communicated with customers exclusively via computer can seek overtime wages for the time they spent booting up the company’s machines at the start of …

Behind TikTok’s boom: A legion of traumatised, $10-a-day content moderators

Content warning: The story contains description of extreme and disturbing violence, suicide, child abuse and cruelty to animals. Luis, a 28-year-old student from Colombia, works through the night moderating videos …

UK authorities face court action on Xinjiang

British authorities are being taken to court this month after campaigners took legal action over their failure to block imports of cotton made with forced labour in the Xinjiang region …

Starbucks Is Sued by Pro-Union Staff for Defamation, Abusing Legal Process

Starbucks Corp. employees are suing the company for defamation over its response to a union protest.  In a lawsuit filed Monday in South Carolina state court, eight Starbucks workers accused …

The Exploited Labor Behind Artificial Intelligence

“Supporting transnational worker organizing should be at the center of the fight for “ethical AI.” The public’s understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) is largely shaped by pop culture — by blockbuster …

US Labor Department moves to make it harder to misclassify gig workers

A proposed rule could affect Uber, Lyft and other companies that rely on independent contractors. The Labor Department has proposed a rule that could make it harder to classify gig …