Glacier Northwest, Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Here is the full decision of the US Supreme Court where it found that the union must take ‘reasonable precautions’ to protect an employer’s perishable product, which will likely open …

US Supreme Court hands defeat to organized labor in truckers strike case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday dealt another setback to organized labor by making it easier for employers to sue over strikes that cause property destruction in a ruling siding …

Iowa governor signs one of the most dangerous rollbacks of child labor laws in the country

Last Friday, this concerted attack on child labor safeguards further expanded. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed an expansive bill enacting numerous changes to the state’s child labor laws, including: allowing employers to …

U.S. employers have gone from opposing international labor standards to hiding behind them. Now a complaint is trying to stop U.S.-style union busting from taking over the world

Earlier this month, a group of U.S. unions–the AFL-CIO, SEIU, and Workers United–filed a complaint with the International Labour Organization’s Committee on Freedom of Association. In the filing, they convincingly argue …

How to protect undocumented workers from exploitation

Then there are small but important legislation fixes to empower workers, such as a Massachusetts bill filed in the House by state Representative Tram Nguyen and in the state Senate by Senator Jamie Eldridge …

The Labor Standards Enforcement Toolbox: Introduction to Co-Enforcement

“CO-ENFORCEMENT: PARTNERING FOR BETTER OUTCOMES Research has demonstrated that low-wage workers in many high violation sectors do not file complaints anywhere near proportionate to their actual experiences of wage theft. …

Walz vetoes rideshare wages bill after Uber threatens to halt operations outside Twin Cities over it

Gov. Tim Walz has vetoed a bill that would have raised wages for rideshare drivers, and at the same time signed an executive order to create a committee for further …

Rights-Based Sanctions Procedures

“Federal agencies are increasingly interpreting international labor rights and imposing a wide array of economic and financial penalties, or “rights-based sanctions,” under various laws and regulations. Congress recently vested the …

Curtailing Starbucks’s War on Its Unionized Baristas

“Even a quick review of the huge number of complaints—93 of them—that the National Labor Relations Board has filed against Starbucks makes clear that the company has deployed numerous hard-hitting …

US Labor unions ask UN body to probe Starbucks’ use of legal loopholes

Labor unions on Thursday asked a United Nations agency to investigate whether gaps in U.S. law have allowed Starbucks Corp (SBUX.O) to allegedly violate the rights of baristas organizing at the coffee …