In 2017, when the labor reform was approved in Brazil, the National Association of Labor Justice Magistrates (ANAMATRA) approved a document containing 125 summaries about the interpretation and application of …
In 2017, when the labor reform was approved in Brazil, the National Association of Labor Justice Magistrates (ANAMATRA) approved a document containing 125 summaries about the interpretation and application of …
Oxford Pro Bono Publico University sponsored research project from 2017 highlighting the status of Uber drivers in a variety of jurisdictions with a comparison between drivers in the United Kingdom, Ireland, …
In 2017, when the labor reform was approved in Brazil, the National Association of Labor Justice Magistrates (ANAMATRA) approved a document containing 125 summaries about the interpretation and application of …
This article tackles child labor. It focuses on the program Edúcame Primero (Educate Me First) and its application in Peru, Colombia, and some Central American countries.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the United States of America and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru have signed a Memorandum of Understanding by which they commit to …
Ruth Berins Collier, V.B. Dubal, and Christopher Carter. (2017). “Labor Platforms and Gig Work: The Failure to Regulate”. IRLE Working Paper No. 106-17. Since 2012, the platform economy has received …
The tribunal has found that the employer refused to offer the applicant a certain job because of her sex and made discriminatory comments on her during the interview. The tribunal …
This case is an example of how some of the lower courts are now deciding cases of violations in supply chains. The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed, …
This case, TRT-RO-0000108-81.2012.5.02.0081, is an example of how some of the lower courts are now deciding cases of violations in supply chains. The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) …
The Brazilian Higher Labor Court (TST) unanimously decided that the outsourcing law enacted in March 2017 only applies to employment contracts started and finished after the statute came into force. …
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