Altitude Express v. Zarda

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Title VII does cover discrimination because of sexual orientation. The case concerns a recreational parachuting company that fired one of its trainers, David Zarda, …

Canada Announces Two New Initiatives to Hold Companies Accountable for Human Rights Violations Abroad

The authors describe two recently-announced Canadian initiatives designed to address “human trafficking, child labor, and other forms of forced labor in global corporate operations.” The article further details the role …

Labor rights of foreign migrants in Ecuador

Title in Spanish: Derechos laborales de los migrantes extranjeros en el Ecuador The Ministry of Labor of Ecuador published a document with guidelines for the control of the exercise of …

Implementing & Administering a Successful Social Compliance Program

This article for the New York City Bar is quite pervasive into the world of “transparency” in supply chain accountability. It is a broad overview of the timeline of large …

Recruitment Revealed Fundamental Flaws in the H-2 Temporary Worker Program and Recommendations for Change

A 2018 report documenting the issues faced by the 100,000 workers who travel to US under its H-2 programs’ recruitment system.

Book “Critical dimensions of labor reform in Brazil”

In Portuguese, “Dimensões críticas da reforma trabalhista no Brasil”. The book analyzes the dismantling of labor legislation in Brazil, approved by the Brazilian Congress in 2017. It argues that the …

“Critical dimensions of labor reform in Brazil”

In Portuguese, “Dimensões críticas da reforma trabalhista no Brasil.” The book analyzes the dismantling of labor legislation in Brazil, approved by the Brazilian Congress in 2017. It argues that the …

Keo Ratha, et al. -v- Phatthana Seafood Co., Ltd., et al.

 Keo Ratha, et al. v. Phatthana Seafood Co., Ltd., et al

Facts 7 Cambodian nationals brought suit against two Thai seafood processing plants, a Thai company doing business in CA, and Rubicon Resources, LLC (a U.S. company), alleging violations of the …

Government of Canada offers support to vulnerable migrant workers in Canada

The Government of Canada released the news to manifest its determination to protect the migrant workers in Canada and some specific measures are also listed.