Walmart sued for alleged discrimination against pregnant workers

Federal regulators have filed a lawsuit against Walmart claiming the retailer forced pregnant workers to take unpaid leave and refused their requests for less physically demanding duties. Companies are required …

Avala Senado convenio de libertad sindical

El Pleno del Senado ratificó este jueves por unanimidad el Convenio 98 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo en materia de libertad sindical.

The IBM Age Discrimination Lawsuit Sheds Light On A Harrowing Employment Trend

ProPublica recently released the results of a sweeping investigation highlighting the alleged abuses of age discrimination conducted within the technology industry. It was reported that IBM fired about 20,000 American employees …

How Facebook Is Giving Sex Discrimination in Employment Ads a New Life

That’s why on Tuesday, the ACLU, along with the Communications Workers of America and the employment law firm Outten & Golden LLP, filed charges with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against …

Forced labour in Paraguay: the darkness at the bottom of the global supply chain

Experts believe that action is urgently needed to expose horrifying labour conditions across Paraguay’s Chaco region.

AMLO debe tener mano dura con líderes sindicales: expertos

El gobierno del presidente electo, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, deberá tener mano dura con los líderes sindicales para evitar actos de corrupción y construir una nueva relación con los sindicatos, …

Un millón y medio de estatales no podrán negociar sus aumentos

Un millón y medio de trabajadores se verán afectados con la restricción de poder negociar colectivamente incrementos salariales por la propuesta de ley del Ejecutivo sobre la materia que no respetaría de …

Cargill settles discrimination suit with Muslim workers

Cargill Meat Solutions, law firm Rathod Mohamedbhai LLC and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced that they have reached a settlement to resolve Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charges …

Rana Plaza, Loblaw, and the Disconnect Between Legal Formality and Corporate Social Responsibility

Canada’s largest retailer was a major buyer from factories in Bangladesh’s Rana Plaza when the building collapsed in 2013 killing 1,130 people. Most of the dead and injured were workers …

Une grève coordonnée dans les McDonald’s américains contre le harcèlement sexuel

Estimant que le groupe de restauration n’a pas une politique de lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel suffisamment efficace, des employés vont cesser le travail dans dix villes des Etats-Unis.   …